Discomfort brings strength. Resistance brings courage. Choose today to walk right into that discomfort and face it.
Sandi Krakowski
This post by one of my mentors, Sandi Krakowski, really hit home for me. You see, I started this page in 2013, however with all the unfortunate events that have filled my life, as well as dealing with my own fears and anxieties, I have put off posting because it is incredibly uncomfortable for me. With 2020 being a reset for me, as well as many others, I’ve decided to share my journey publicly through a blog rosaliegerber.com and on social media. This is a really HUGE step for me. In truth it makes me feel incredibly vulnerable, which is terrifying. But talking with others and reading other’s posts, I’m not alone walking this path so I decided to take the first step and invite others to join with me on my journey.