Earlier this week, someone on a zoom call made the statement “if you want to face your personal demons, start a business.” Truer words were never spoken for me this week.
The emotional roller-coaster of building a business, being a homeschooling mom, being a caregiver for my disabled husband, dealing with current concerns about my sister’s health while doing market research, and oh let’s not forget that it is Christmas time, has really caused my personal demons from the abuse, abandonment, and self-doubt I have suffered from, to attack me full force with the “you can’t do this your not qualified or have the credentials to succeed” or “you already have to much to do why bother building a business” or “if you spend time building a business you are a neglecting your family and being a bad mom/wife” or “you were abandoned and not wanted, why would anyone want to listen to you.”
It is amazing how the neuroplasticity in our brains develop such negative neuropathways from trauma but the good news is those same neuropathways can be changed and developed into a mindful choice that helps us move forward towards the life we want.
I’m grateful for all the self-help books, courses, and mentors that I have learned from that I now am able to recognize when my personal demons attack with their negativity. Through what I have learned, I am now empowered, by making mindful choices, to acknowledge the thoughts and emotions, then choose to move forward by taking the next step towards accomplishing my goals and dreams.